01. Call Your Lender for a Pre-Approval Letter
​Before we can get started, the buyer must call a lender to provide a pre-approval letter. This letter will determine the buying power you will have and the loan amount the buyer is qualified for.
03. Look at Homes
We will perform a thorough search of all the inventory on multiple listing platforms. We will look at multiple properties until you are ready to make an offer.
05. Due Dilgence Period
This is the most important phase in the home buying process. As the buyer you are given the opportunity to order inspection reports on the property. The report will throughly provide details of the property to check if any part of the property requires repairs. The buyer can then request the seller to fix any repairs or continue to proceed with the process without repairs or decide to walk away before losing their earnest money.
02. Consult with an Agent
During our first meeting we will discuss buyer's wants and needs for their property. The brokerage relationship will be established along with the agreement document will be signed.
04. Make an Offer
When it is time, we will write an offer to send over to the selling agent immediately. If the offer is accepted then the contract will become legally binding.
06. Closing Day
The buyer's fund must be wired before meeting at the closing table. All parties will gather at the attorney's office to sign the offical paper work and close escrow.